Cyber Bullying

While reading through Danielle’s blog post about cyber bullying it has come to my attention that a large number of people are unaware of the worsening effects of cyber bullying. As Danielle has pointed out, children in todays’ society have grown up in a digital universe and heavily rely on it in their day-to-day lives. Whilst this presents many positives to the development of children, it is also important to consider the major negative; cyber bullying. Danielle has included an important point from The Australian Curriculum which stated that all children need to know how to effectively and appropriately access ICTs. I believe an extensive amount of children are not aware how to appropriately access and utilise these ICT devices and therefore result in inappropriate usage. From personal experiences, I believe ICTs give many people the backbone to say things they would never consider saying to your face. It is crucial that both teachers and parents/caregivers educate children about cyberbullying and implement rules and strategies to influence children to utilise ICTs appropriately. Many schools conduct surveys to gain insight into the children’s personal knowledge and beliefs about bullying within the school and home.

Person typing [image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Cyber Bullying

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